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A Second Chance for the Secretary of State?

Secretary of State AlexNeptunes has been in hot water with the people and the government as of late due to an extended period of inactivity in office. This inactive period has left the State Department struggling to function, with several offices within the overall state department being non-functional by the Secretary of State’s own admission in the press conference. This has resulted in calls for impeachment by the Lt. Governor, members of the Legislature, and members of the public. Many of whom made their voices heard and their anger known via many outbursts at the Press Conference.

During the press conference the AlexNeptunes apologized for his inactivity siting “Mental Health” reasons for his extended inactivity admitting he should have delegated his tasks to others during this period. However, within the same speech he asked for a second chance from the people of Ridgeway, the question we all have on our minds now is Does He Deserve it? The following article will examine both sides of the debate and then draw our own conclusions.

Impeachment Or Acceptance?

In a brief interview with Senator AdamStratton, we asked his opinion on the current situation with the Secretary of State and if he believes in the promises AlexNeptunes made during the conference and if the senator believed the press conference, the response was clear.

‘He won’t, He’s full of fake promises. And I will ensure the state have a Secretary of State who can execute the duties of their office.’ – AdamStratton

Senator AdamStratton also promised to open an impeachment inquiry via a “Reorganized” committee which he promises will thoroughly investigate the situation, heavily implying that the overall goal of the investigation was to file impeachment and remove AlexNeptune from office via the legislature. How popular this notion is among other members of the legislature has yet to be seen, however if public opinion at the meeting is to be believed it is not unlikely that AlexNeptune’s could face a serious threat to his position should he not change his public perception as a “Yapper” or filled with “Excuses”.

Support From The Community?

Despite several warnings for inactivity and outcrys from the public, AlexNeptunes is not alone. His apology has resonated with some, and his promise to do better is believed by some. Some business leaders such as the CEO of Landers Mutual have gone on record with Ridgeway Brief to even say they have had nothing but good timely experiences with the Secretary of State.

“Currently I have nothing against the Secretary of State, every time I asked him about something, he would give me a reasonable answer. All good things” – Waldo (Discord username)

While his overall performance and approval rating may be incredibly low at this moment, he is far from isolated with some active and respected members of the community defending him. Ultimately however, how the rest of AlexNeptunes term will come down to is the next few days. If he noticeably increases his activity and works on improving the State Department, it could allow him additional time to secure himself support in the Legislature and reduce calls for Impeachment, but what do we think?

Final Thoughts:

Ultimately, like it or not, for now he is our Secretary of State. While he was certainly wrong for not delegating his tasks during his extended absence, and his mental health issues should have been delt with on a more official leave of absence, talking to AlexNeptunes last night he seems genuine in his wish to do better and serve the community. While this is not an endorsement for his plans, his continued service in office, or a call to action to support him. We believe that we should all watch Very Closely at the State Department for the next 7 days before we all line up to vote for impeachment. If he does well, good on him, if he fails then at least we can all say that we gave him his chance. In the end how the rest of his term goes is up to AlexNeptunes to fulfil on his promise to serve the community.

By Ohgizmo