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The Applicants

The Law Enforcement Training Center recently opened Class 14 for applicants and also received a new Director, drjack0. In this intake, are applications from HERECOMESTHEFBI, Robin5D, kenneytube, NinjazAwesomes, joeythewolff, sakqya. Who are they? They’re all actively employed by the government and were still denied due to background checks. You can find which departments they are employed by at the end of the article. Additionally, c_hvrlie, a member of the Ridgeway Parks Service, was denied at the outcome stage and left with no note to describe why he was denied. While it’s likely it was due to lack of class space, it is still intriguing as to why.

Now lets focus on one applicant, HERECOMESTHEFBI. HERECOMESTHEFBI is employed by the Ridgeway National Guard and the Ridgeway Parks Service and yet was still denied. A source from LETC informed us that HERECOMESTHEFBI had been denied on his background check due to an order from the new Director, drjack0.

The Lawsuit

One of the previously mentioned applicants, Robin5D, initiated a lawsuit against drjack0 in his official capacity, the Director of LETC. The civil complaint lists Official Misconduct (1 R. Stat. § 3114) and Deprivation of Rights (1 R. Stat. § 3115). He alleges that the Director failed to appoint a Freedom of Information Officer which has been a requirement for government agencies for the past two months. He also alleges that the Director deprived him of his rights because he was unable to fulfill his Freedom of Information request.

When confronted on whether or not he would dismiss the case, dave (Developer Oversight) informed Mr. Robin5D that he would not be dismissing the lawsuit, and would allow it to run its course in the courts. Additionally, stickza, the DOJ’s Solicitor General in a conversation with Mr. Robin5D, said that he sent a memo to “all of them”, presumably all department heads, to “institute a FOIA officer”.  Robin5D informed stickza that he would likely drop the lawsuit once a FOIA officer is appointed within LETC, and stickza said “I’ll see what I can do.” With this development, there is some hope for those who were denied for their background check for the ability to know why.

sakqyaRCTA, RNG, RPS
c_hrvlieRPS, DOS, RCTA

By Joseph